Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pre-Purim Party Post

Purim is Sunday.
In related news, I'm currently taking a three-credit sociology course so I can finally graduate from YU. Why is this related news, you ask? Well, because this college level course is really highly reminiscent of second grade. You see, we have a workbook to finish by the end of the semester, we tell stories in class, and yesterday we did arts and crafts! Yes, we spent an entire class making graggers - noisemakers. Now, what do noisemakers have to do sociology, you ask? Well, as the prof. noted halfway through class, "Every culture makes noisemakers." Don't you feel stupid for asking?

Anyway, this Purim, Stacy and I are making a seudah for bunches of people. While I will not divulge any details regarding the feast, I will provide you with a few sneak peaks:

(And this is just some of the cookies...)


  1. Wow raw lasagna AND cookies. Some Seudah. Of course there's still the matter of me getting there. Hint Hint.

  2. An excellent point notelon. I suppose at the end, even those not dressed as pirates might look like one once they smile post-raw-lasagne eating.
