Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Foot The Meaning of Life

Saturday, November 26, 2005
Sitting ducks
Okay, you guys did really well by the slide rule, now give this a shot: I was explaining something to Eli with this setup- the picture should just ask for comments. (everybody should read Avi's)
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I see London, I see France...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
10 Ways to Know That It Is Getting Cold Out
1. When you go outside your ears fall off.
2. That strange shiny stuff inside that weird glass tube with the little lines on it shrinks.
3. While biking you have to dodge icebergs (NOT ICE CUBES) or risk going down like the Titanic (or at least like a 200 pound enraged lump).
4. You notice strange multicolored parasites have infested the human population and control the humans by attaching to their head, hands and torso.
5. All the fuzzy animals go to Florida (just as a side point, did you every notice that old people tend to be fuzzy around the edges, must be because they’ve lost their grip on reality and are starting to break up).
6. People with signs the say “The End of The World is Coming!!!” start standing on street corners (obviously they missed out on the fact that the end of the world was last Wednesday).
7. Human start strapping sticks to their feet and then hurl themselves down frozen mountains.
8. All your neighbors start calling your mother to get you to clear that toxic white stuff of their driveways.
9. Angels start falling from the sky and then have to walk back to heaven but before they do they leave tracks in that white stuff (I have been studying these tracks and determined that all Angels are the size of children).
10. When the change in Enthalpy (H) of the Northern Hemispherical system becomes positive, due to change in Heat (q) being negative.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
An open letter to the author of Stone Soup
I'm glad you are now expert after googling Meleva, you should really have googled Einstein instead- that Nobel prize money that went to a divorce settlement- he won it for the photoelectric effect, not relativity.
Even so, a few controversial people say "the ideas may have been Albert's, but Mileva did the mathematics." I guess then we should call them the Milelva transformations instead of . . . the Lorenz transformations! See Einstein is not known for being a mathematician because it was his ideas that were revolutionary, not the math behind them.
The bottom line is that even if it was true then I say Big Whoop. Stop belittling female scientist by trying to claim the most famous scientific discovery of the 20th century.
Give Jan a piece of your mind here.
PS: NJIT made an official press release about me and a friend last week, Press Release
Classic media, messed the story up a bit, see the real deal here on my website.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Gremlins on the Volga River?

Over the summer, I was watching a British TV show called "Ray Mears' Extreme Survival" where this guy named, surprisingly, Ray Mears shows how to survive in random places around the world without any real tools, food and so on. One of these episodes was on how to survive in the Belarus forests. Along the way, he told the story of a group of Jewish partisans who fought the Nazis in those forests. At some point in the show, I noticed that the background music was the tune of "Gremlins from the Kremlin," in choral form!!! I couldn't imagine why the BBC would want to use a Loony Tunes tune in a serious pseudo-documentary about the partisans. So I figured that Carl W. Stalling, the music person for Russian Rhapsody, must have made use of an already existing song. But what song was it?
After much Google searching, I discovered that the Gremlins are singing a song that is based off of a combination of two Russian folk songs: "Song of the Volga Boatmen" and "Dark Eyes."
Now, for your listening pleasure this blog is proud to present, in convenient MP3 form (please right click and save the files to your computer):
Gremlins from the Kremlin (6.04 MB)
Ray Mears' Version of Song of the Volga Boatmen (1.74 MB)
Red Star Army Chorus' Version of Song of the Volga Boatmen (3.49 MB)
Red Star Army Chorus' Version of Dark Eyes (4.2 MB)
And, for your viewing pleasure, in convenient (104.2 MB) .mov form [thanks to Area 77]:
Russian Rhapsody
Finally, I would like to point out that the Song of the Volga Boatmen works well for Lecha Dodi.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
What is the shortest distance from point A to point B in New York City
Sunday, November 13, 2005
The day I got on the wrong train
I took the wrong train one day last week . . . on purpose. The regular homeless were particularly delusional and my train was coming late, so I hopped on a Bayhead train passing the Airport station. When I showed the conductor my
I lied “I was afraid of that” and happily got off.
As I sat in the cool breeze, I thought of other less adventurous commuters waiting in the dark smokey tunnel that is Penn station, the land of crumbling concrete. I was sitting in the sun on a clean bench that must be 50 years newer than those antiques at
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Shooting the bull
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Sally Saves the Seashells by the Sea Shore!!!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
My New Toolbox
Anyway, I had nowhere to put it so I bought a toolbox. Now my new toolbox looked kind of empty so I decided to put in all my tools.
Why don't you leave a comment about what you think is in the long leather case.

Thursday, November 03, 2005
I stay up all night wondering if there's a dog.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
High Speed Chase, Wait A Second We Are In A Blimp!!!

Am I missing something here? This just looks to stupid, and to make it even dumber I came across a lovely piece of information.
And here it is:
Army buys $12M in blimps for Iraq
WASHINGTON, July 5 (UPI) -- The U.S. Army is buying 16 tactical blimps for use in Iraq from a Columbia, Md., company, TCOM, L.P. announced Tuesday.
The deal is worth $12 million, and the unmanned, tethered blimps will be built in Elizabeth City, N.C.
The Tactical Aerostat System operates at about 1,000 feet, providing surveillance and a communications relay system aloft for up to a week at a time.
The contract award is part of the Rapid Aerostat Initial Development system contract the Army has with Raytheon.
The airship's use was demonstrated last fall over Washington, when an A-170 manned blimp hovered over the city for 24 hours. The helium-based blimp can fly for hours even if pierced by small arms fire, according to the Army.
TCOM blimps are also being used by the Marine Airborne Re-Transmission System, a program developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to extend Marine radio communication beyond line-of-sight in Iraq.
The blimp provides an airborne relay for UHF, VHF, SINCGARS and EPLPRS radios, in addition to standard analog radios. The actual relays are contained in a ground system. If the aerostat were shot down, the radios would not be compromised.
I even found a picture of a concept blimp that is being tested now that has been designed to move 500 tons 12,000 miles in less than 7 days, and do you know that they call it (pause for dramatic effect)…The Walrus:Wow the pig on the side really adds to the intense fear I feel when I look at this. In fact I think I need to go put on a change of pants, so if you will excuse me.