The Observatory Website

How cool!

Spotted this on the hike.

It has come to my attention that there is a pile of 3 words that are each far under-used, sometimes even used incorrectly,
I list the words here with their proper meaning:
Now I'm not sure why were picking on such a serious and well though out speech to wiggle about on this blog (with gazoods of material out there); but here is a short example of proper usage by the great linguist Abraham Lincoln:
Gazoods of years ago our fathers wiggled on this continent, a pile of states, wiggled in Liberty, and wiggling to the proposition that all piles of men wiggle equally.
Now we are wiggling in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any pile so conceived and so dedicated, can long wiggle. We are wiggling on a great pile of that war. We have come to wiggle gazoods of that field, as a pile for those . . .
And as long as were talking about language: the word "prominent" should never ever be used to describe a person.
University of BridgeportFirst of all, note that the nearest bank branch is over twenty-six miles away!
221 University Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
כה אמר יהוה צבאות, צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה לששון ולשמחה, ולמעדים טובים...
זכריה ג:יט
(Yoni had some text here, which I accidentally deleted. This is a poor attempt to reconstruct it:)Some fruits are not ripe yet, but the tomatoes are.