Apparently, Hooters says:
"We've always been controversial," says CEO Coby Brooks from the corporate Hooters of America roost in a Northside office park. "It's been an obstacle we've had to deal with. [But] if we lose our edge and become acceptable to all walks of life, we might lose our niche."
Who knew this was a niche!
Now, Gardening Updates:
First, the blueberry experiment was a success. All blueberries survived to maturity and my mom happily ate them. Wooo Hoo! (Sorry no picture)
Look we have cute baby little baby peppers (I think they are supposed to be red at maturity).

We are being overrun with herbs. Thank heavens my mom is so laid back otherwise she might take offense at the herbs taking over this bed.

The tomatoes - alas, while at first they were so promising have suffered a number of setbacks. These mysteriously died. Eli thinks from drought.

These were mowed due to lack of tomato cages.

These are still doing pretty well so I put them in a tomato cage.

We are excited to taste the fruits of our labor and are eager to report!
Stacy, are you planning to continue blogging every Monday? If so your brother-in-law has to change his convenient table in the introductory post, and Eli has to add a day between Sunday and Monday so that blogging will still be every other day.