So after being engaged to Eli for a little over two months I finally took him up on his offer to contribute to the Lansey Brothers blog.
When thinking about what to blog, I was struck by my similar lack of experience blogging and gardening.
Recently, as a matter of fact, right before Eli and I got engaged (back when I used to have free time), I tried my hand at some serious gardening.
My previous attempts at gardening have been dismal failures. A few stalks unidentifiable as any sort of desirable plant that died soon thereafter.
However, the severe boredom as a result of my unemployment this spring, induced me to take to the yard with spade a hoe.
First, I had the gardener (an essential component of the Long Island Garden) remove the large dead bush.
Then I removed all the weeds.
Finally I took a deep breath and took a gamble two cherry tomato plants.
To my great shock I experienced wild success.
And WILD success is the correct term. My tomatoes have grown like Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors.
So first they filled their cages. That seemed normal, Then they outgrew their cages, then they started growing on the hydgrangea next to them (see hydrangea in red circle).

Next I noticed a satellite patch of tomatoes.

So I have been harvesting fresh tomatoes every two days. LOTS of tomatoes every two days.

I am now trying to figure out to do with tons and tons of tomatoes. One plan is to give some tomatoes to the neighbors. Theirs haven't turned out so well.

If you have any recipes please write in.
All in all I would call the first attempt at gardening a success. I hope I can say the same for blogging.